JUNE 22, 2021

OUR SIMULATOR IMPROVES Dear clients: We believe that the simulator that we have on our website where the client can see the furniture in its different color options is a very important help for our distributors, that is why we want to always keep it updated. We have expanded lines including the B-table line, Meeting tables (Pórtico, Skala, Neko, Aneto, Atrio), Call-Center Presntation tables, and some meeting table compositions, in the Líder and Benelux lines. We have also improved those that already existed such as Bench Panel, G3 Line, Bimelamine File or PVC File. We are sure that this improvement will help to publicize all the options of our series. Sincerely The commercial team


We have been a manufacturer of youth furniture since 1986 and it is in this market where we have developed all our experience. Our goal is to recah the highest level of customer satisfaction and all our efforts are aimed at achieving it.



We are located in Teruel, pol. Industrial la paz, c/ londres 44195  Teruel (Spain).We  have more tham 20 years of experience in the decoration and furniture creation sector. We always make your custom furniture with the highest quality using very resistant and optimal materials



Phone : +34 978 607 002


 Pol. Ind La Paz - C/Londres.

44195 - Teruel (Spain).